League Age Chart

Use the Little League Age Determination Chart below to assess the "league age" for your player. The Age Determination Date for a Little League Baseball player is the age of a player on August 31 of the current year and through the Spring season following. Sugar Land Little League has several divisions that are grouped by league age to make the competition fair for all players.

League Age Division
4 Tee Ball or Pee Wee
5 Tee Ball or Pee Wee
6 Coach Pitch A
7 Coach Pitch AAA
8 Coach Pitch AAA
9 Minors
10 Minors
11 Majors
12 Majors
13 Intermediate
14 Juniors (Spring Only)

Division are determined based on the number of registered players in a particular division.

Play-Up Requests

Sugar Land Little League will review requests to "play-up" into a division ahead of where the league age determines a player to be in a given season. Requests must be made prior to evaluations so that the player can be evaluated in both divisions. Applications to play-up must be submitted in writing by email to the league Player Agent and will be reviewed and approved or denied on an individual basis by the Board of Directors. Play up requests are only honored in the season being requested and will not follow the player indefinitely.

Please understand the play up requests are just that and decisions will ultimately made in the best interests of the league as a whole and not just the individual. In some situations we may ask for a player to play up in the interest of the league.

*At times it may be necessary to merge certain divisions in order to facilitate a season.

Player Agent
[email protected]

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